This week, we looked at many different resources: two very short videos ("The 4+1 Model" by the Virtual Training Company and "Six Blind Men" by Phat Phish) and an article by Grady Booch titled The Elephant and the Blind Programmers . What they all had in common is that they all touched on either the 4+1 view model, or a concept known as wisdom gap, which is very closely related to the model. In order to explain the need for the 4+1 model, Booch relates it to the old Indian story, which talks about how different blind men examine an elephant and come to different conclusions as to what it is, since they are all looking at different parts of it. The moral of the story is that they are all right in their own way, yet none of them have the full picture. The same applies to the model. Depending on who you are and what part of a system you're working on, you'll be interested in looking at it from a certain way, which will definitely differ from the other team me...